Timeless Design, Crafted with Partners and Precision

Discover the ultimate in luxury outdoor living with Modofire. From custom-designed fire pits and fire tables to bespoke fabrications, we combine premium craftsmanship with cutting-edge design. Our exclusive collections, crafted by America’s top artisans, deliver unmatched quality, sustainability, and style.

Sustainability Matters

Outdoor Furnishings Made to Last

At Modofire, we design for the long run, handpicking like-minded manufacturing partners and materials that meet our high standards for eco-friendly production. Each product is built to minimize waste, maximize durability, and reduce our environmental footprint for a greener future

Designer Fire

The Next Level in Design - Previsialization!

At Modofire, we take custom designs to the next level—crafted concepts that are imagined and visualized ahead of time to perfectly match your vision. Using advanced visual digital technologies, we shape designs that aren’t just custom—they’re created to speak directly to your style and space. Modofire is where thought meets form, and your ideas come to life.

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Why Modofire?

Transform Your Interior Space with Ethanol Fire

Let us seamlessly integrate bio-ethanol fire features into any of our tables, planters, or custom fabrication.
